God created it for it's circumstance

My really sweet hubby gave me these succulents for Mother's Day a couple weeks back. Go on and snicker, but y'all... this is the most thoughtful gift ever! Some words in his card shed light on why...

"God gave me a picture of us as one of these plants. They still grow and thrive even in harsh conditions because He is providing just enough water and just enough nutrients to keep them. A lot of people wouldn't even know the struggle, because all they see is beauty and know that God created it for it's circumstance."

I mean...! My heart both melted and rallied around this image of us. Just these 2 little plants in a desert of desire for children of our own. He is sustaining us through the procedures, questions, and discouragement. We don't understand God's ways or timing, but we don't have to if we believe His word that says His plans are to prosper and not to harm us (Jer 29:11).

However those plans unfold, He has all our trust and confidence. We will stay planted by the water and not fear the heat. We will have green leaves and no worries in drought. And we will... bear fruit. It's my humble prayer that we yield a beauty in our circumstance that brings Him great glory (Jer 17:7-8).

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