I love you, James

We walked through the door and into our room where a note from dear friends was laying on a dresser.

I held back tears as I read the kind words, knowing how the Lord drops us into the hearts and minds of others to let us know He's there. "I prayed God would reveal Himself to you here." I watched for Him, and He did. Through refreshing time with my sweet hubs, views of creation that took our breath away, a butterfly dancing on my fingers, and so much more.

One day, we'll tell our kids about the good old days when we pinched pennies for getaways like this. We'll hold these memories close forever... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. I'm so thankful for all the adventure we've experienced in our marriage so far. Thankful for a man who steadies me, shares ideas with me, believes in me, patiently puts up with me, and jumps head first into new experiences with me. I love you so very much James, and smoochie selfies with you are my fav.

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