Promise Keeper

Yesterday we woke up discouraged. Our consultation with the fertility specialist on Monday left us with mixed emotions. Everything looked great and he recommended doing a few more rounds of IUI. But funds were depleted with the recent surgery and Christmas, so we were at a stall. Stuck staring at the next step with no way to get to it. I'll be honest. That sadness felt like a cold blanket.

I asked for God's encouragement and dared to pray... "If You don't provide a miracle, we can't move forward. But no matter what, I trust You." We updated family and friends with the latest. Little did we know, a miracle was in the works.

I am gratefully giddy to share that through the generosity of some dear friends, we've been given the chance to do IUI this cycle!!! And our Lord, He's in the details... this kindest of gestures came through the VERY DAY it needed to happen. Only God. Only the One who knows the number of hairs on my head and those of our baby to come.

And oh how we long for her that much more as we experience the lavish love of the Father through moments like these. Her wall is full of miracle moments just so I can remember... when the days are long and the tears flow and the heart aches... He's working in our waiting. Our Promise Keeper is on the move. If He says "now" we'll rejoice and if He says "not yet" we'll rejoice still at all we've seen Him do and all He's yet to do. We'd love your prayers as we journey on!

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