Killing a plant doesn't happen overnight

Goodness, I'm so overwhelmed by the responses to my last post. You just never know how the ways the Lord is convicting and comforting you might impact others. I'm really thankful to each and every one of you who reached out to say "Me too" and "You're not forgotten" and "I'm praying".

I'll be honest that I sat on what I shared for about a month. I didn't quite know how to put it into words, or even if I should share. The deep, inner workings of the heart are so precious, so personal. But the revelation, though nothing new, was still profound to me: When I feel distanced from Him and others, I can trace it back to a lack of abiding.

Killing a plant doesn't happen overnight. It happens after a series of neglect until one by one, the branches fall off the vine.

A small decision here or there implementing my own strategies rather than resting in His pace and provision. Looking to the friend on my right or left and coveting – heck! chasing after – their seemingly perfect life. Becoming too discouraged or distracted that trials or tasks override time with Him. Walking around desperate for love and acceptance He waits to give me each and every day. Actions like these choke out the nourishment needed to bear any fruit at all. "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

What the Lord is teaching me is tender and transforming. His loving-kindness is sometimes a rebuke that prompts repentance. If you've been feeling lonely like I have, I pray you'll hear Him whispering, "I love you and I'm here. Don't pull away, but bring Me into every situation you face. Stop doing things your way, hoping for a quick fix. Stop flirting with the world, hoping for approval. You have the real thing with Me and I'm not. going. anywhere."

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