Owning our time in the hallway

Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway. – Kelly Wahlquist

I've been seeing this quote around online and it's such a great reminder of what to do while we wait. Sometimes we find ourselves in what feels like limbo, waiting for God to move. A hallway. Sometimes it's so dark that we can't even see a door. Psalm 130:5 says, "I wait on the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope." Seriously, waiting on God’s timing is not easy. So often we bounce from patience to planning, from stillness to striving until the cycle wears us down.

Patience is about owning our time in the hallway. Choosing to praise Him when it feels like we're in between where we are and where we want to be. Friends... I want to learn how to reject worry, fear, and doubt and instead, master the art of hallway praising.

I'm currently in a hallway waiting for God to do something, but I will praise. If you're in a hallway too, let's wait together... listening intently for His voice. We can show our trust in Him by living in the moment He has set apart for us. We can show Him that we don’t need to know what’s next. The more grateful and trusting heart we learn to cultivate, the more joy God can reveal in our lives. We can’t see what He’s doing when we aren’t present. There is so much freedom in trusting Jesus. Give your plans to Him. Find contentment in where He has you at this time and bring Him a sacrifice of praise. It's moments like these that make a mark in eternity and move His heart more than we may know.

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