The power of praise

I'm so looking forward to leading worship with the Highpoint Church fam this Sunday... as long as I don't get the flu from James (please be praying)! In preparation, I've been thinking about the power of praise.

David repeatedly exalted God in spite of how he felt and overcame difficult and trying circumstances. Jehoshaphat led an army to victory with singers on the front lines giving thanks to God. Paul and Silas worshipped God from behind bars until their chains fell off.

How do we find our voice to praise when we feel anything but joyful?

  • Recognize the truth. We are strong in Jesus (read this! --> 2 Corinthians 12:9-11), and He has given us a garment of praise to wear in exchange for heaviness from any source (Isaiah 61:3).

  • Make a conscious choice. Hebrews 13:15 calls praise a "sacrifice—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." It’s a choice we make and it may not be easy, but it will always be worth it.

In Him, we are strong. We have HIS strength, HIS peace, and HIS joy in the midst of every kind of hardship or struggle. We‘re not alone! It may look like we're surrounded on every side, but Jesus is our ever-present help in trouble and our Champion! He is steadfast in walking with us through the tension of the unknown. He is always always always good, even before breakthrough comes.

When I choose to trade in my spirit of heaviness for His garment of praise, a strengthening and shifting happens. When I feel tired, weak, or emotionally drained, but bring a sacrifice of worship to God and thank Him for His goodness… I'm telling the enemy and reminding myself that I know the truth: I am strong in Christ. In this way praise is not only a garment, but a weapon against the lies of the enemy. (#nottodaysatan) I'm so thankful to be reminded that burdens are lifted, battles are won, and chains are broken… as I praise. I hope you'll join me Sunday (Feb 3) to raise a hallelujah!

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