Put your hope in the Lord

Woke up with the sun to the sound of birds singing this morning. This season feels very much like a fairy tale to me. But it's so much more.

God has lavished His love on James and I in ways I still haven't fully processed. It's been hard to put into words what I feel lately, but I'm so thankful and I just need to say it again. And I'm thankful for a soul that has been calmed and quieted by an all-powerful, yet gentle Father.

I've been learning about having a "weaned soul"... one that walks trustingly like a child walking with their mother. Praying for the Lord to continue this uncomfortable, but peace yielding work in me.

Lord, my heart is not proud;my eyes are not haughty.I do not get involved with thingstoo great or too wondrous for me.Instead, I have calmed and quieted my soullike a weaned child with its mother;my soul is like a weaned child.Israel, put your hope in the Lord,both now and forever. (Psalm 131)

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