A faith that can't be tested...

This quote hit me like a ton of bricks today. Oh how I long to have a faith that can be tested and found trustworthy.

A faith that can't be tested can't be trusted.– Warren Wiersbe

I'm currently taking a stroll through The Red Sea Rules gifted to me by a friend. Instead of racing through the pages, I'm marinating on small sections at a time and the wisdom shared on each page couldn't be more timely.

Robert J. Morgan writes, "We don't always know why God allows problems, but we know He intends to use them to heighten maturity and deepen our faith. Trials and troubles are dumbbells and treadmills for the soul. They develop strength and stamina."

If you're feeling overwhelmed with what life is throwing at you, know that God promises to make a way out (even a way you may not yet understand)... through danger, illness, relational conflict, financial problems, or whatever challenges lie in your path. He is with you, strengthening you, never leaving your side for a minute. He will make what feels like a trap escapable and the uncrossable crossable. Deliverance is His specialty. As I'm watching Him do this for me, I'm just so thankful for eyes wide open to witness it. And faith getting stronger by the day.

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