My times are in Your hand

I need to be reminded of this so much in these crazy days of spring rolling into summer. The calendar is filling up quickly with life's demands, but my times are ultimately in His hand. I get anxious over my current circumstances, but my times are ultimately in His hand. I may not feel like where I'm supposed to be, but my times are ultimately in His hand.

When we find ourselves in a place where we don't know what to do, we can draw courage, peace, and confidence from knowing that our Heavenly Father does. Our times, our destiny, our future... it’s all held carefully in His hands. He'll bring what He started in your life to a flourishing finish. He'll help you discern what's of Him and what's not. Don't lose heart. He will fulfill His plans in His perfect time. He is working things together even now, for your good, for the benefit of others, and for His glory.

I’m so very thankful for these 6 strong words... keeping my heart turned toward Him in trust and expectation.

My times are in your hand.
Psalm 31:15

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