Our God is with us

Where there are shadows, He becomes the light
If we go into battle, He will win the fight
Our God is with us, our God is with us, He will never leave
– Rita Springer

I've never known the Light of the World, the Lord of Hosts, the way I do these days. Mother's Day 2016 a friend sent me an email with a sermon about the Lord of Hosts, and I was introduced to the God of angel armies. Recently another friend shared this snippet from Run with the Horses by Eugene Peterson: Hope acts on the conviction that God will complete the work that he has begun even when the appearances, especially when the appearances, oppose it. It's only when things are hopeless that hope begins to be a strength at all. It takes courage to act in hope.

What's the connection here? To know the Lord of Hosts is to know courage in the midst of seemingly impossible odds. When you spend time with the God of angel armies, you can walk through the valley of shadows or the heat of battle with hope because His strength is coursing through your veins. And reflecting on David's words from Psalm 25, the Father I've come to know will never let me be put to shame for trusting Him.

If you're facing a dark or confusing time... a battle of the mind, body or soul... believe with me that God is with you and He's powerful and trustworthy. This season is strengthening you for where you're going.

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